Tata Motors registered total sales of 80,633 units in July 2023
New Delhi, August 2023.
Tata Motors Limited sales in the domestic & international market for July 2023 stood at 80,633 vehicles, compared to 81,790 units during July 2022.
Domestic Sales Performance:
CategoryJuly 2023 July 2022% change(Y-o-Y)Total Domestic Sales78,84478,9780%
Commercial Vehicles:
CategoryJuly 2023 July 2022Growth(Y-o-Y)HCV Trucks8502747314%ILMCV Trucks48995524-11%Passenger Carriers4292345424%SCV cargo and pickup1352315022-10%CV Domestic3121631473-1%CV IB17282681-36%Total CV3294434154-4%
Domestic sale of MH&ICV in July 2023, including trucks and buses, stood at 13,291 units, compared to 12,012 units in July 2022.
Total sales for MH&ICV Domestic & International Business in July 2023, including trucks and buses, stood at 13,830 u...