Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd. and Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. Collaborate to drive zero-emissions mobility in India
Mumbai, August 06, 2024.Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd. (TPEML), the market leader in passenger electric vehicles in India, and Tata Power Renewable Energy Ltd. (TPREL), a leading entity in India's renewable energy landscape, a subsidiary of The Tata Power Company Ltd., have joined hands to drive zero-emissions mobility in India through a combined solution of Electric Vehicles and Solar Rooftop Systems. Through this collaboration, TPEML will enable customers to get a solar rooftop system installed through TPREL. In addition, both companies will promote EVs / EV Charging and Solar Rooftop Systems to their respective customers to drive awareness of the benefits of solutions.Electric Vehicles (EVs), which have zero tailpipe emissions, and solar power systems, which generate emis...