Vigyanika: A Celebration of Science Literature and Communication Concludes at IISF 2024
New Delhi, December 04, 2024.The Vigyanika: Science Literature Festival one of the most prominent events of the IISF 2024, commenced on 1stDecember with an inspiring inaugural ceremony. This two day event was specifically focused on the theme “From Folklore to Future: An Indian Literary Exploration”.The session began with introductory remarks by Dr. Paramananda Barman, Scientist, CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) and Coordinator, Vigyanika. Prof. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR, delivered the welcome address, underlining the importance of Indian languages in science communication and the role of literature in shaping the Indian Science Narrative. Distinguished guests, including Dr. Dinesh Ch. Goswami, Dr. Jaideep Baruah, Dire...