Boosting Food Processing & Storage Infrastructure in India

New Delhi, February 10, 2025.

Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana (PMKSY) was envisaged as a comprehensive package which will result in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet. It will not only provide a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country but also improve the capacity of food processing units which help in providing better returns to farmers and creating employment opportunities especially in the rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level and enhancing the export of the processed foods.

However, standalone cold storages are not supported under PMKSY. The state-wise number of storages approved for captive use under PMKSY since inception in 2017 are at Annexue-1. Further, under the Scheme for Integrated Cold Chain & Value Addition Infrastructure a sub-scheme of PMKSY, 06 projects are approved in the state of Telangana in the last five years. The details district –wise are at Annexure-2.

As informed by Food Corporation of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, in order to upgrade and modernize the storage facilities, Government of India approved Action Plan for construction of steel silos on PPP (Public Private Partnership) mode in the country.  Under this plan, Silos with capacity of 24.25LMT at various locations throughout country are under implementation. Out of which silos with a capacity of 17.75LMT have been completed and remaining 6.5LMT are under various stages of development. In addition to above, silos of 5.5LMT capacity at 7 locations have already been constructed and put to in use in 2007-09 under circuit base model. Further, under phase –I of Hub & Spoke model Silos of 10.125 LMT at 14 locations on FCI owned land awarded and 24.75 LMT at 66 locations on private land have been awarded and are in development stage. As per the data of Food Corporation of India (FCI), the status of Grain Silos construction as on 30.11.2024 is placed at Annexure-3

MoFPI has been implementing Central Sector Umbrella Scheme – PMKSY since 2016-17 to create post-harvest infrastructure and processing facilities to boost the overall development of the food processing sector including reduction in post-harvest losses. The component schemes under PMKSY provide credit linked financial assistance (capital subsidy) in the form of grants-in-aid to entrepreneurs for setting up of food processing/preservation infrastructure which, inter-alia, includes cold storages and refrigerated vehicles to minimize post-harvest losses.

As per the Evaluation Study conducted and submitted by NABARD Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. (NABCONS) in 2020 on “Impact of Units Implemented under Scheme for Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure assisted by Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)”, it was highlighted that due to interventions of the Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure Scheme of Ministry of Food Processing Industries, while all sectors had shown some decrease in wastages, but Fruits & Vegetables, Dairy and Fisheries sector had shown significant reduction in wastages.

Apart from MoFPI, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has also launched the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme in July 2020 under the Atmanirbhar Bharat package in order to improve post-harvest infrastructure and create community farming assets. The AIF Scheme facilitates sanction of medium to long term loans by Banks and other lending institutions for the setting up of cold storage facilities, warehouses and processing units, aimed at reducing crop wastage and enhancing value addition

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