Mumbai, January 2024.Tata Motors sales in the domestic & international market forQ3FY 2023-24 stood at 234,981 vehicles, compared to 228,169units during Q3FY 2022-23Domestic Sales Performance:Category Dec’23 Dec’22 % Change Q3 FY24Q3 FY23 % Change Total Domestic Sales 76,13872,9974%229,610223,0013%Commercial Vehicles:Category Dec’23 Dec’22 % Change Q3 FY24Q3 FY23 % Change HCV Trucks 11,19910,17810%29,65627,6257%ILMCV Trucks 5,6755,2558%15,41114,0929%Passenger Carriers 3,0602,69414%7,7046,49419%SCV cargo and pickup 12,73414,827-14%38,96443,493-10%Total CV Domestic 32,66832,954-1%91,73591,7040%CV IB 1,51299552%4,7914,21014%Total CV 34,18033,9491%96...