Sonepat, September, 2023.
World University of Design (WUD) hosted its 7th Global Goals Jam on September 18th and 19th, 2023 on the theme of “Building Back Biodiversity.” Many fascinating, extremely unique and interesting ideas were brought forth by participants, such as the use of wind turbines in empty spaces around airports to create energy using air currents created by frequent landings and take offs; or The use of superbug to consume oil spills; or conservation of bees, the core of ecology; and farming of crops along with trees for their bark and other items.
The Global Goals Jam is a collaborative event of World University of Design that brings together people from all over the world to work together to solve the world’s biggest challenges. The event is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 goals that aim to create a better world for all by 2030. WUD organizes the event in collaboration with UNDP, UNESCO, Startup India and Media Labs Amsterdam. The event this year was attended by 15 institutions across industries and approximately 100 participants, including environment enthusiasts from the industry, alumni of WUD who are working in various fields including UNDP.
The keynote speaker for the inauguration of the event was renowned naturalist and environmentalist Vijay Dhasmana. He spoke about his work with the Aravalli Biodiversity Park, which he and his team have worked to afforest over the past 12 years. Dhasmana’s work has helped to restore the Aravalli Hills, one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, and to create a green lung for the National Capital Region.
Present at the event was Dean Academics, Dr. Neena Zutshi and Registrar Cdr. Manjeet Singh who were enthralled with the conceptualisation of this year’s jam and the strategies young minds came forward with especially of the likes presented by Shraddha Mehta on Secure Himalayas, focusing on promoting alternative sources of sustainable livelihood through design development, product diversification and quality control thereby reducing the stress on the natural resources of Gangotri landscape of the Himalayas.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Vice Chancellor, World University of Design shared his views as, “The Global Goals Jam is a beacon of hope for a more sustainable and equitable future. It is an inspiring example of what we can achieve when we come together to work towards a common goal. I am proud that WUD is able to host this important event and to contribute to the global effort to create a better world for all.“
Fascinated with some extremely unique and interesting ideas brought forth by participants, Dean Sanmitra Chitte said, “The most feasible and sustainable solutions will be put forth for implementation to the four collaborating organizations: UNDP, UNESCO, Startup India, and Media Labs Amsterdam. World University of Design is the only university in India to host the Global Goals Jam. The university is committed to sustainability and to making a positive impact on the world. The Global Goals Jam is a great opportunity for WUD students to learn from experts, develop innovative solutions to global challenges, and make a real difference in the world.”