The state-of-the-art manufacturing facility of Hero MotoCorp, situated in Gurugram in Haryana, has been conferred with the CII National Award for Excellence in Water Management, and rated as the ‘Winner’ in the ‘Within the Fence’ category.
This is a recognition of the Company’s innovation and excellence in water management and the positive outcome of the water management initiatives at its Gurugram facility.
As an organization,Hero MotoCorpis well on its way to achieving its committed target of being 500% water positive by 2025. Hero MotoCorp – the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles and scooters – is currently saving close to 3.8 million kiloliters of water every year.
The Company is rapidly moving towards ‘water stewardship’ by not only reducing water usage and wastage;it is also creating access to water for communities beyond its premises. At Hero MotoCorp, sustainability is a way of life, andthis Award is a recognition of everything that the Company is doing to ensure that the future generations remain water secure.
The Company has adopted an approach that reduces, recycles, recovers and recharges water through measures like replacing RO filtration with Ultra Filtration (UF),reusing machine RO reject water in cooling towers, increasing the efficiency of DM and R.O plants, and adopting cascading rinsing over continuous rinsing among many other water conservative programs.
Additionally, it is also invested in recycling domestic and process water and built34recharge shafts within the plant premises. In FY 2022-23, a total of 1,40,612 KLs of water was treated of which96,139 KLswas recycled and 4,4473 KLs was reused for horticulture.