New Delhi, January 31, 2024.
With the launch of Module-2 of International classification of Diseases-11(ICD-11), Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha (ASU) systems of medicines will now have same morbidity codes across the globe. Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi pointed it out in his “Mann Ki Baat”, on Sunday, 28 January 2024 episode and termed it as an achievement of India that will mitigate the problems of patients seeking recourse to these traditional medicine systems.
ICD-11, Chapter 26, Module 2 was recently launched by World Health Organisation in a function organised in Delhi. Prime Minister in his latest episode of “Mann Ki Baat” referred to this launch, and pointed out, while underlining the significant achievement, the problem faced till now by patients following ASU treatments by stating, “There must be many people among you, who get help from Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani system of medicine for treatment. But such patients face problems when they go to some other doctor of the same system. In these medical practices, a common language is not used for the terminology of diseases, treatments and medicines. Every doctor writes the name of the disease and methods of treatment in one’s own way. This sometimes makes it very difficult for other doctors to understand.”
The launch of ICD-11 Module 2 has resolved this problem to an extent and PM pointed this out.” A solution to this problem that has been going on for decades has now been found.
Prime Minister said “I am happy to share that the Ministry of Ayush has categorized the data and terminology related to Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medicine, with the help of the World Health Organization as well. Through the efforts of both, the terminology related to disease and treatment in Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha medicine has been codified. With the help of this coding, all doctors will now write the same language on their prescriptions or slips.”
“One advantage of this would be that if you go to another doctor with that slip, the doctor will get complete information about it from just that slip. That slip will help one in knowing one’s illness, treatment, what medicines one has been taking, for how long the treatment has been going on, what things one is allergic to. Another benefit of this will accrue to those people, who are associated with research work.” PM added further.
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), Module 2 will also help in furthering research related to ASU as stated by PM in his Mann Ki Baat address, Scientists from other countries will also get complete information about the disease, medicines and their effects. As the research expands and many scientists come together, these medical systems will field better results and people’s inclination towards them will rise. Prime Minister expressed hope that doctors associated with ASU will adopt this coding as soon as possible.
The International Classification of Diseases maintained by WHO is the key instrument for member countries like India to collect primary as well as secondary data on various communicable (like malaria, TB, etc.) and non-communicable (diabetes, cancer, kidney disease etc.) diseases and mortality statistics.
The groundwork for ICD-11 TM 2 initiative was commenced during the Ayurveda day celebration 2017, when “National Ayush Morbidity and Standardised terminologies Electronic (NAMASTE) Portal (http://namstp.ayush.gov.in/”) was launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister along with the inauguration of All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi.
The launch of ICD-11 TM2 will also help in medical insurance coverage, creation of insurance packages, and insurance portability among insurance companies from across the world and will give a boost to Medical Value travel for Ayush care in India.
Union Minister of Ayush and Shipping, Ports and Waterways Shri Sarbananda Sonowal said that under the guidance of Prime Minister, we all have achieved a global success like ICD-11 (TM) Module 2. Due to his untiring efforts, India’s traditional system of medicine is gaining global recognition today. His address through ‘Mann Ki Baat’ is going to boost our energy and motivation. We have to develop Ayush as a fundamental system of global health.
Secretary Ayush Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha said that the Ministry of Ayush will prepare future strategies for public healthcare based on ICD-11, Module 2. We will also implement it nationally and internationally. The indexing of Traditional Medicine related disease names in ICD-11 will be proved as milestone in building a uniform global tradition.