Book on 100 Great IITians Launched at IIT Madras
Chennai, April 29, 2024.IIT Madras, organized a prestigious felicitation ceremony and book launch of "100 Great IITians – Dedicated to the Service of the Nation". The book is a tribute to the remarkable contributions made by IITians to the growth of India.The general impression about IITians is that after passing out they decide to settle abroad. Commander VK Jaitly, who himself is an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur, wanted to break this perception. He researched and toiled for more than four years and compiled the stories of 100 great IITians who have dedicated their lives for the nation. These IITians either didn't go abroad or even if they did, they came back to their motherland to serve the nation. The IITians featured in this book are from diverse fields like Academics, Industry, R&a...