Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2024: Wedding Season Begins!
Jaipur, November 12, 2024.According to the Hindu calendar, November 12 has marked the end of four months of yogic rest of Lord Vishnu and the end of a pause on auspicious ceremonies. Astrologically it is known as Devuthani Ekadashi, and signals the start of the wedding season, with favourable dates resuming for weddings and other important events until mid-December, when the period of Kharmas begins.This year, there will be nine auspicious days for marriage in November and ten in December, starting from Devuthani Ekadashi. This means the end of a 123-day hiatus on ceremonies which began in July.Devuthani Ekadashi is traditionally marked by the symbolic wedding of Tulsi and Shaligram, which also signifies the reopening of the calendar for auspicious events. Therefore, the weddin...