Climate change making monsoons erratic and incessant
New Delhi, August 2024.Over84percentofIndiandistrictsarepronetoextremeheatwaves,ofwhich 70 per cent of them are witnessing increased frequency and intensity of extreme rainfallevents, according to a first-of-its-kind independent study released today by the IPE-Global and Esri India. The frequency, intensity, and unpredictability of these extreme heat and rainfall events havealsoriseninrecentdecades.WhileIndiahaswitnesseda15foldincreaseinextremeheatwavedaysacross the march-April-May (MAM) and June-July-August-September (JJAS) months in last threedecades, last decade alone has witnessed a 19 fold increase in extreme heat wave days. The studyalsofoundthatmonsoonsseasonsinIndiaarewitnessinganextendedsummerlikeconditionexcepton non-rainy days. The study was launched at a National Symposium ...