Tag: Esri India

Feature, National News

Climate change making monsoons erratic and incessant

New Delhi, August 2024.Over84percentofIndiandistrictsarepronetoextremeheatwaves,ofwhich 70 per cent of them are witnessing increased frequency and intensity of extreme rainfallevents, according to a first-of-its-kind independent study released today by the IPE-Global and Esri India. The frequency, intensity, and unpredictability of these extreme heat and rainfall events havealsoriseninrecentdecades.WhileIndiahaswitnesseda15foldincreaseinextremeheatwavedaysacross the march-April-May (MAM) and June-July-August-September (JJAS) months in last threedecades, last decade alone has witnessed a 19 fold increase in extreme heat wave days. The studyalsofoundthatmonsoonsseasonsinIndiaarewitnessinganextendedsummerlikeconditionexcepton non-rainy days. The study was launched at a National Symposium ...
Esri India Achieves 1 Million Users Milestone
Business News, Feature

Esri India Achieves 1 Million Users Milestone

New Delhi, May 06, 2024.Esri India, the leading provider of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and solutions in India,today announced that it has reached the 1 million users mark.The achievement is a testament to the trust and loyalty of its widecustomer base spread across diverse industries around the country.With encouragement from the Geospatial Data Guidelines 2021, Esri India,as an Indian entitynow offers more than 900 layers of geospatial data through the Indian edition of ArcGIS Living Atlas. These data layers are available through Indo ArcGIS to all itsusers. Indo ArcGIS also provides 200+ solutionproducts for solving various India-centric challenges. Increased usage of these products in the country hasled to the culmination of the 1 million user base.Agendra ...
Esri India Announces 2024 Young Scholar Program
Feature, National News

Esri India Announces 2024 Young Scholar Program

New Delhi – March 2024.Esri India, the leading provider of Geographic Information System (GIS) software and solutions, announced the launch of the prestigious 2024 Esri India Young Scholar Program to recognize and empower undergraduate and postgraduate students from geospatial disciplines across the country. The program aims to provide a unique platform for students to showcase their exceptional work in GIS and connect with a global network of fellow scholars at the renowned Esri User Conference in San Diego, California.The program is open to undergraduate or postgraduate students pursuing a course in GIS or related subjects at a university in India. Students graduating in 2024 can also apply. To enroll in the program, the students need to registerby March 10, 2024, and submit thei...
Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty (CKS) and Esri India Enter the Pilot Phase of the MMGEIS Program
Feature, National News

Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty (CKS) and Esri India Enter the Pilot Phase of the MMGEIS Program

Bengaluru, 23 February 2024.The Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty (CKS) and Esri India announcedtoday the launch of the Pilot program of the Master Mentors Geo-enabling Indian Scholars (MMGEIS) program. Shri A.S.Kiran Kumar, Former Chairperson, ISRO addressed the media along with Dr K. J. Ramesh, Former Director General of Meteorology, IMD, Lt. Gen. Girish Kumar (Retd), Former Surveyor General of India, Shri Vinit Goenka, Secretary, CKS and Shri Agendra Kumar, Managing Director, Esri India. The pilot phase of the program will cover 1000 students across India.MMGEIS is an online program that aims to inculcate geospatial thinking and develop a research-oriented mindset amongst students from 8th grade to undergraduate level who will form the future workforce of the country. The program...
Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty and Esri India join hands to launch Master Mentors Geo-Enabling Indian Scholars(MMGEIS) Program
Feature, National News

Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty and Esri India join hands to launch Master Mentors Geo-Enabling Indian Scholars(MMGEIS) Program

New Delhi, December 2023. Leading Indian Public Policy Think Tank Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty (CKS) and Esri India Technologies Pvt Ltd, an industry leader in end-to-end Geographic Information System (GIS) solutions, today joined hands to launch the ‘Master Mentors Geo-Enabling Indian Scholars’ (MMGEIS) program in the country. The program targets students from 8th grade to undergraduate levels and aims to make India a global skilling and innovation hub for geospatial technology.  The program will also work towards fostering a strong IP framework to enable more patents from India in its journey towards becoming a global geospatial innovation hub. The MOU was signed by Shri Vinit Goenka, Secretary, Centre for Knowledge Sovereignty and Shri Agendra Kumar, Managing Dire...
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