Tag: IndiaFirst Life

IndiaFirst Life Launches Guarantee of Life Dreams (G.O.L.D.) Plan
Business News, Feature

IndiaFirst Life Launches Guarantee of Life Dreams (G.O.L.D.) Plan

Mumbai, 01 August,  2023.IndiaFirst Life Insurance Company Limited (IndiaFirst Life),unveiled a new product -- IndiaFirst Life Guarantee of Life Dreams (G.O.L.D.) plan. The non-linked, non-participating, individual life insurance plan is designed to provide policyholders with a regular long-term income option.IndiaFirst Life Guarantee of Life Dreams Planis an extended-term insurance-based savingsproduct, which offers flexible Premium Paying Terms (PPT) of 6 years, 8 years, and 10 years for a policy term of 30 years and 40 years.With premium starting from Rs.4,176 per month and with monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearlypremium paying options,the plan is a convenient option for customers to create a second/additional income.Commenting on the launch, Rushabh Gandhi, Depu...
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