Tag: Indian Mobile Congress

Business News, Feature, National News

PM Narendra Modi Calls for global standards in ethical AI and data privacy; Industry leaders join to discuss the road ahead to digital transformation in the era of AI

New Delhi, October 2024.The 8th Edition of Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2024, the largest telecom, media and technology forum in Asia, jointly organized by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), kicked-off today with inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Bharat Mandapam.Hon’ble Prime Minister took a walkthrough of the exhibition area before officially inaugurating the event and where helisted four pillars of Digital India - Low-priced devices, extensive reach of digital connectivity to every nook and corner of the country, easily accessible data and goal of ‘Digital First’.Further demonstrating this year's theme of "The Future is Now", the first day of IMC and WTSA 2024 sawglobal leaders, visionaries, innovators ...
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