19 National Skill Training Institutes out of 33 are exclusively for women
New Delhi, July 31, 2024.There are 19 National Skill Training Institutes (NSTIs) out of 33 which are exclusively for women. These women NSTIs offer 19 courses under Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) as well as 23 courses under Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS). The women NSTIs also offer courses in trades like Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA), Electronics Mechanic, Architectural Draftsman, Computer Software Application, Desktop Publishing Operator etc. to women trainees, both in CTS and CITS. Even trades like Electrician have been introduced in Women NSTIs at Indore and Vadodara. From the Session 2023-24, the trade of ‘Surveyor’ has been introduced in three women NSTIs. Another new trade under CTS namely ‘Artificial Intelligence Programming...