Tag: SPS 2024

Feature, National News

SPS 2024 | Introducing New Spectacles and Snap OS: The Next Frontier of AR Glasses

New Delhi, September 2024.Today we’re introducing the fifth generation of Spectacles, our new see-through, standalone AR glasses that enable you to use Lenses and experience the world together with friends in totally new ways. Spectacles are powered by Snap OS, our brand-new and groundbreaking operating system designed to enhance how people naturally interact with the world. Spectacles are available starting today as part of our Spectacles Developer Program.Spectacles also work seamlessly with your mobile device. Through the new Spectacles app, you can use your phone as a custom game controller with Lenses, launch Spectator Mode so friends without Spectacles can follow along, mirror your phone screen, and more.Cutting Edge Hardware for Spectacular SoftwareSpectacles are the...
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