Tata Power-DDL launches ‘Green Warriors 3.0’ campaign inviting Industry Decision Makers to Highlight their ‘Sustainable Transition’ Journeys
New Delhi, November, 2024.Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited (Tata Power-DDL), a leading power utility supplying electricity to a populace of around 9 million in North Delhi, has announced the launch of its campaign ‘Green Warriors 3.0’,the third chapter of its sustainability awareness initiative. The campaign invites decision makers, brands and individuals to share their unique sustainability stories and establish their significance in making decisions that will impact the future of sustainability.Through this campaign, the discom aims to highlight the need to switch to sustainable practicesto address the critical issue of climate change and global warming.The campaign aligns with Tata Power-DDL’s “Urja Arpan” initiative, which aims to encourage responsible and optimal electric...