Tech Mahindra reports 153% YoY growth in PAT at Rs. 1,250crores; interim dividend declared at Rs. 15 per share
Mumbai – October 21st, 2024.TechMahindra (NSE: TECHM), a leading global provider of technology consulting and digital solutions to enterprises across industries announced the audited consolidated financial results for its quarterended September 30th, 2024.Financial highlights for the quarter (USD)Revenue USD 1,589 mn; up1.9% QoQ, up 2.2% YoYRevenue grew by 0.7% QoQ, up by 1.2% YoY in constant currency termsEBITDA USD 209mn; up 11.3% QoQ,up 61.4% YoYEBITDA Margin 13.1%, up 110bps QoQ, up480bps YoYProfit after tax (PAT) USD 149mn; up 46.1% QoQ, up 150.7% YoYPAT Margin 9.4%, up 280 bps QoQ, up 560 bps YoYFree cash flow USD 157mnNew deal winsTCV USD 603mn Financial highlights for the quarter (₹)Revenue ₹ 13,313crores; up2.4% QoQ, up3.5% YoYEBITDA ₹ 1,750crores; up 11.9% QoQ...