TERI-UNOPS Initiative Empowered 27000 School Children in Uttar Pradesh on Climate Change, Health, and Hygiene Practices
New Delhi, June 21, 2024.A TERI-UNOPS (The Energy and Resources Institute - United Nations Office for Project Services) collaborative initiative on “Capacity Building Programme Targeting School Children on Climate Change, Health, and Hygiene across 11 Districts of Uttar Pradesh, India”, concluded with a National Conference held in New Delhi on Thursday. The national workshop involving various stakeholders from ministries, UN agencies, and partners was held to share lessons from the field, exchange best practices from the project, and discuss scaling-up efforts. The project, conceptualized around the combination of three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely SDG 3 (ensure healthy lives across all ages), SDG 6 (ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sani...