Tag: Vioma Motors

Vioma Motors unveils Retro-inspired e-Scooter Thunderbolt and Starc e-Bike
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Vioma Motors unveils Retro-inspired e-Scooter Thunderbolt and Starc e-Bike

Mumbai, April 09, 2024.In a momentous event that encapsulated innovation and excitement, Vioma Motors, an innovative E-mobility platform, confronts the challenge of range anxiety in the EV industry head-on. Employing a comprehensive approach, Vioma designs all vehicle components in-house, covering everything from the powertrain to the body. Recently, they unveiled their latest creations - the Thunderbolt e-scooter and Starc electric bike, heralding a new era in urban transportation.The Thunderbolt e-scooter, aptly named for its lightning-fast speed and dynamic performance, boasts a maximum speed of 120 kmph. Its sleek design and cutting-edge features capture attention, but its true standout feature lies in its customization options. Riders can personalize every aspec...
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