Tag: Zydus Lifesciences

Business News, Feature, National News

Zydus inks licensing pact with Takeda to sell GERD drug

New Delhi, July 17, 2024.Zydus Lifesciences on Wednesday said it has inked a licensing pact with Takeda to market a drug for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).The company has entered into a non-exclusive patent licensing agreement with Takeda Pharmaceutical Company to market the novel Potassium Competitive Acid Blocker (P-CAB) Vonoprazan in India, the drug firm said in a statement.The drug will be marketed under the brand name Vault in the country, it added.
Zydus Lifesciences gets tentative approval from USFDA for BP lowering drug
Rajasthan News

Zydus Lifesciences gets tentative approval from USFDA for BP lowering drug

New Delhi, July 04, 2024.Zydus Lifesciences on Thursday said it has received tentative approval from the US health regulator to market its generic Azilsartan Medoxomil tablets used to treat high blood pressure.The tentative approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) is for Azilsartan Medoxomil tablets of strengths 40 mg and 80 mg, Zydus Lifesciences said in a regulatory filing.The drug will be manufactured at the group's formulation manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad SEZ - II, it added.
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