Sunday, December 1

World’s First Patent Acquired for Animal Supplement “Pinfenon” (S) (R)

Tokyo, November 2024. 

Patent Covers Invention of Treatment Drug and Prophylactic Drug for Lowering Cardiac Disorder Markers in Dogs as Well as Their Manufacturing Methods –

Scarecrow Incorporated, based in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward, is pleased to announce that it has acquired the world’s first (*) patent for Pinfenon (S) (R), an animal supplement made in Japan, associated with a treatment drug and a prophylactic drug for lowering the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) as well as their manufacturing methods. The supplements approved as drugs by the Japan Patent Office are subject to technical transfer in such products as food, shampoos, and essences as new means of allowing anyone to protect small dogs from cardiac disorders

Many breeds of small dogs are genetically susceptible to the cardiac disorder called mitral regurgitation, and valvular diseases of the heart, which include mitral regurgitation, are the third most common cause of death in elderly dogs (according to Anicom HD, Japan, 2023). One of the indicators of the severity of this disease is atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). This is a hormone primarily synthesized and stored in the part of the heart called the atrium before being secreted in the blood and can be measured by a blood test. For this reason, ANP is also referred to as a cardiac biomarker. A patent was acquired for Pinfenon (S) (R) after it was demonstrated to reduce the burden on the heart and lower the level of this ANP.

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