Lizol’s #NoMoreHalfTruths Campaign Busts Myths Around Phenyls; Receives Massive Traction on Social Media, Generating 800M+ Views
New Delhi, July 06, 2023.For decades, Indian consumers have believed that phenyls are highly effective floor cleaners, however studies indicate that ordinary phenyls kill only 50% of germs on mopping**. A joint study conducted by Lizol, India’s leading disinfectant brand, and an independent research agency revealed the presence of numerous bacteria and viruses on household surfaces, which can lead to various diseases and infections. These can be responsible for diseases, such as diarrhoea, and conditions like skin infections, urinary tract infections, acne, eye and bloodstream infections. In response, Lizol launched the #NoMoreHalfTruths social media campaign on May 29, 2023, aimed at debunking the myths surrounding phenyl efficacy and increasing consumer awareness about prop...