KB Kachru elected as HAI President for 2-year term
New Delhi, March 21, 2024.The Hotel Association of India (HAI) elected Mr. KB Kachru, Chairman South Asia at Radisson Hotel Group as President for a two year term at the Association’s milestone 100th EC meeting held after HAI’s 27th Annual General Meeting (AGM) at The Park, New Delhi on the 18th of March 2024. Mr. Kachru takes charge from outgoing President, Mr Puneet Chhatwal, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, IHCL. The Executive Committee (EC) also elected Mr. Rohit Khosla, Executive Vice President - Operations, IHCL as Vice President of the Association for a concurrent term.Hotel Association of India (HAI), the apex body of the Indian hospitality sector also unanimously elected. Dr. JK Mohanty, Managing Director Swosti Premium Limitedas Honorary Secretary andMr. S...