Delhi Sports University organizes Sports Talent Hunt in Shri Bhawani Niketan College, Jaipur

One of the biggest talent scouting camps was organised by Delhi Sports University, in collaboration with SixS Sports on 27th May, 2023 at Shri Bhawani Niketan College.

The event witnessed a vibrant gathering of young athletes from various schools, showcasing their skills and determination to excel in the realm of sports. The camp took place in the esteemed presence of Principal of Delhi Sports School Praveen Kalra, who also shared his expertise and words of encouragement with the participants. He emphasised the importance of sports in holistic development and highlighted the school’s commitment to nurturing sporting talent. The Sports Talent Hunt aimed to identify promising athletes across a range of disciplines, including athletics, Boxing, tennis, badminton, Swimming, weight lifting and wrestling. The participants showcased their skills through various drills and challenges, displaying their dedication and passion for sports.

The event was organised with the purpose of identifying young sporting talent and providing them with opportunities to showcase their skills, and get an entry into the Delhi Sports School. The top 200 students who will be selected from the final round of talent scouting will get admission to Delhi Sports School. The program offers admission, education, accommodation, and world-class facilities to help students become the next sports icon of India, all supported by the Delhi Sports School.

For more information on Delhi Sports University and the talent scouting events, visit their website at