Chandrayaan-3 completes last Moon-bound manouevre, gears up for propulsion and lander module separation - Exclusive News

Chandrayaan-3 completes last Moon-bound manouevre, gears up for propulsion and lander module separation

Bengaluru, August 16 2023.

India’s ambitious Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on Wednesday successfully underwent a fifth and final lunar-bound orbit manoeuvre, bringing it even closer to the surface of the Moon.

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With this, the spacecraft has completed all of its Moon-bound manouvres, and it will now prepare for separation of the lander module — comprising the lander and rover — from the propulsion module.

“Today’s successful firing, needed for a short duration, has put Chandrayaan-3 into an orbit of 153 km x 163 km, as intended. With this, the lunar bound maneuvers are completed. It’s time for preparations as the Propulsion Module and the Lander Module gear up for their separate journeys,”